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Boards >> Calmera >> Rates on Calmera

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Rates on Calmera
by Adm Hector
Adm Hector
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Position: administrator
Profession: Paladin
Level: 48

Posts: 206
Rates on Calmera

We made the decision that our new world Calmera will have the same rates as our PvP server, but you can still check everything here.

15.01.24 09:34:16
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 80

Posts: 2
You need to change the skill rate to x8 or x10. Why should I play OTS and instead of having fun, I have to waste several hours to acquire one skill. Look what's happening on the current server. You can't be a strong knight, do difficult tasks and level up quickly.
21.01.24 12:04:06
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 62

Posts: 4
imho, I think it should remain as it is. Back in the day Tibia was a lot more community based. We just need to see a rise in active players so they can "sell" monks or lend a helping hand while making runes.
22.01.24 07:47:19
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 80

Posts: 2
Do you think people will want to play on the server to make runes and skills? People need to have fun. Are you saying the rules should be the same? Then see how many players are online on this server. In a few moments this server will completely die if nothing changes. See how many active knights are there with skill 70+
22.01.24 10:26:12
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 62

Posts: 4
It's true what you say. Maybe that is a good idea. I came to this OT after i played Tibiantis where everything is 1:1 to Tibia 7.4. There it is normal to skill for longer but the amount of online players is usualy around 200+-.
16.02.24 04:06:12
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Would you play in an x1 world with separate free and premium areas?