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Boards >> Gallery >> Event: Would you like to win a 30-day VIP Account?

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Event: Would you like to win a 30-day VIP Account?
by Adm Hector
Adm Hector

player outfit

Position: administrator
Profession: Paladin
Level: 48

Posts: 122
Event: Would you like to win a 30-day VIP Account?

ear players, would you like to win 30 days VIP Account?! If so, just take a beautiful photo of your character/worlds, and our team will choose the most elegant photo and grant you a 30-day VIP Account.

To post the photo, just go to the forum gallery and post the image, on March 30th we will choose the winner!

08.03.24 07:53:06
Rurik Gunnar

player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 51

Posts: 5
30-day VIP event

How I missed those old quests! :D
13.03.24 14:58:24
Edited by Rurik Gunnar
on 13.03.24 15:03:18

player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Paladin
Level: 25

Posts: 3

Tibia Retro :D
13.03.24 17:44:53

player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Paladin
Level: 25

Posts: 3

Music in the cemetery! :D
13.03.24 19:48:42

player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 62

Posts: 4
Pure Nostalgia :D

25.03.24 12:08:40
Edited by Pacello
on 25.03.24 12:13:53
Efekt Axe

player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Knight
Level: 42

Posts: 2
It is posting from my knight because sorcerer have only 13 lvl atm:)
30.03.24 09:39:47
Edited by Efekt Axe
on 30.03.24 09:41:52

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