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Photo Contest Winner Announcement!
by Adm Hector
Adm Hector
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Posts: 174
Photo Contest Winner Announcement!

It is with great pleasure that we announce the outcome of our "30 days of VIP Account" photography competition. After a detailed analysis of all the wonderful submissions, one photo in particular stood out and captured our hearts, taking us back to the glorious days of the game's past.

Congratulations to Rurik Gunnar! His photography not only captured the beauty of our world exceptionally, but also brought to life the nostalgic experience of carrying out ancient missions. In a world of Tibia that has evolved so much over the years, where many of the original experiences have been transformed, this image serves as a precious time capsule, reminding us of the classic adventures that shaped our initial journeys.

We chose this image because it perfectly encapsulates the spirit of adventure and discovery that made Rurik Gunnar such a rich and memorable experience. The missions of yesteryear, with their unique challenges and rewards, are memories that many of us hold dearly, and the photo from Rurik Gunnar rekindles those memories in a bright light.

Thanks to all participants for taking us on a journey through their lens, sharing pieces of a world we all love. Each contribution was a reminder of the talent and passion our community possesses.

We invite everyone to visit the forum gallery to enjoy the winning photo, as well as the other incredible photos. Be prepared for more competitions in the future, as we look forward to seeing more of your creativity and passion for Tibia Retro.

Congratulations again to Rurik Gunnar, and we hope you enjoy every moment of your 30-day VIP Account. His image is a tribute to the days of adventure that defined our experiences in Tibia and Tibia Retro, and for that, we are eternally grateful.


Yours sincerely,

Tibia Retro Team

31.03.24 08:56:20
Edited by moderator
on 31.03.24 09:03:20
Rurik Gunnar
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Position: player
Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 51

Posts: 5

Thaaaaaanks! :D
31.03.24 10:59:06
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Position: player
Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 90

Posts: 6

23.08.24 17:46:24
Edited by moderator
on 23.08.24 18:13:58
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