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Boards >> Calmera >> Quality of life suggestion

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Quality of life suggestion
by Rurik Gunnar
Rurik Gunnar
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 51

Posts: 5
Quality of life suggestion

May I suggest one "quality of life" feature? I believe that the "use" command on coins to make the exchange would be nice and could save some time during hunts and/or lootbags. :)
19.04.24 09:29:03
Red Eagle
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 59

Posts: 2
it is good idea, from my i can add more mob to task like:
rotworms, normal troll, etc for low lvl and more mob for higer like frost dragon. and add some items to reward from task like vampire shield vamp task:)
20.04.24 06:01:23
Edited by Red Eagle
on 20.04.24 06:02:22
Bow Guy
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 108

Posts: 8
I also like this idea. It could help get some gear from killing monsters.
Dragons could give a dragon shield, dragon lords a dsm, etc...
Or have outfit/addon creatures drop some of their addon pieces. Completing bear task could guarantee a paw for example.

I was also surprised cycs and rotworms weren't taskable creatures.
14.05.24 19:42:54
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