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Boards >> Bug Report >> Paladin (maybe every voc?) Cap problems.

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Paladin (maybe every voc?) Cap problems.
by Bow Guy
Bow Guy
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 108

Posts: 8
Paladin (maybe every voc?) Cap problems.
Capacity appears to not display the correct value. My gear in total on a lvl 40 paladin weighs 437.00 oz.
At this point it displays that I have 17 cap available.
A paladin at lvl 40 should have 1110 capacity according to calculators.
This means there's a total of 673 cap missing in my display.
Once I add 21 more cap to my total bringing me to 458 it then adjusts my capacity to 652 remaining. This is an accurate total of my entire cap.
I'm not sure what values it bugs out and causes the wrong displays at but it makes for a very awkward/confusing time for figuring out what value is accurate for your current/available cap.
12.05.24 19:36:24
Adm Hector
player outfit

Position: administrator
Profession: Paladin
Level: 48

Posts: 206
Hello, I'll observe, but I remember that the cap calculations are different in the current version of the tibia. Therefore, the current-day calculators are configured for the current tibia moment.
12.05.24 20:24:44
Bow Guy
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 108

Posts: 8
Regardless of the cap calculators, a lvl 40 wouldn't have ~500 cap and it wouldn't adjust the number once going over cap and into -
It's a display bug more than anything.
12.05.24 23:10:56
Edited by Bow Guy
on 12.05.24 23:12:56
Adm Hector
player outfit

Position: administrator
Profession: Paladin
Level: 48

Posts: 206
Now I understand, I'll take a closer look and thanks for letting me know.
13.05.24 02:48:31
Bow Guy
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 108

Posts: 8
Appreciate it. Enjoying the server so far!
13.05.24 10:20:14
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