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Boards >> Calmera >> Cost of points

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Cost of points
by Rune Maker
Rune Maker
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Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 72

Posts: 1
Cost of points
I was going to get VIP and some points to support the server but 30 day VIP (550 points) is a total of $32 USD? $20 for 375, $8 for 150 (525 points) and then another $4 to get 75 points. You';d spend $32 and have 50 points leftover.

I understand there's overheads to running the server but getting 30 days of prem for ~2x what it costs on actual tibia feels like a really poor exchange rate and makes it hard to justify.
15.05.24 00:27:25
Page: 1

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