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Boards >> Calmera >> Drop rates?

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Drop rates?
by Bow Guy
Bow Guy
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Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 108

Posts: 8
Drop rates?
Creature product drop rates appear to be astoundingly low.
I had completed the elder beholder task in helheim killing some braindeaths and a large number of beholders and had only gotten 1 beholder eye across all the kills.
The eye was also only dropped from a regular beholder.
I'm not sure if I was just incredibly unlucky or what but it feels impossible to get creature products.

Edit: I had gotten multiple quagmire rods, two handed swords, etc... I even got 1 of each a beholder helmet (from elders) and shield (from regular), and a haunted blade (braindeath).
18.05.24 02:07:17
Edited by Bow Guy
on 18.05.24 02:19:36
Page: 1

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