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Boards >> Calmera >> Update

Page: 1
by Elena
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 53

Posts: 4
Hey, is there anything you want to update in future on Calmera, I mean more items, more recent NPC interactions, items on hotkey?
I like the idea of it being "retro", but not sure if it's not "too retro" to me :)
Was kind of suprised with being unable to sell most "lootbag" items to Brengus in Port Hope, like brass shields, hatchets etc, and it's difficult to find full info on what was available and what's not, cause we have 7.8 to 8.2, so not necesarilly things from 8.2 are here.
13.06.24 10:00:05
Page: 1

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