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Boards >> Bug Report >> Hunting Spears

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Hunting Spears
by Elena
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 53

Posts: 4
Hunting Spears
Something is wrong with hunting spears, at least these dropped by Barbarian Brutetamer. Log message says that you got hunting spear, but when you try to open a bag, it still looks unopened. If you try to look at the bag, it says it's hunting spear, with weight 80, however you can't equip it or drop it to the ground.
Even on store in depot there's no hunting spear in Distance Weapons category, there is one in Axes, with att 18 instead of 32, def 8, for Knight vocation, weapon type "cutting weapon, two-handed", weight 80.00.
02.07.24 06:58:36
Adm Hector
player outfit

Position: administrator
Profession: Paladin
Level: 48

Posts: 206
Fixed in the next SS.
12.08.24 19:39:38
Page: 1

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