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Boards >> Calmera >> The Travelling Trader Quest

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The Travelling Trader Quest
by Elijah
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Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 58

Posts: 1
The Travelling Trader Quest
Dear Hector,
Is it possible to get the right to trade with rashid by doing the quest?
Have a nice day!
17.08.24 11:02:09
Adm Hector
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Position: administrator
Profession: Paladin
Level: 48

Posts: 206
We don't have this quest because it's from version 8.1, and Rashid just has to go to him, I believe he's not limited.
17.08.24 11:15:23
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Position: player
Profession: Elder Druid
Level: 138

Posts: 5
11:55 Rashid: I'm sorry Panoramix, but I only serve premium account customers.
17.08.24 14:31:11
Adm Hector
player outfit

Position: administrator
Profession: Paladin
Level: 48

Posts: 206
Actually the correct answer was VIP Account. I will update, thanks for reporting this.
17.08.24 15:14:48
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Elder Druid
Level: 138

Posts: 5
You will update Rashid's answer or you will remove the limitation?
17.08.24 19:28:09
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Would you play in an x1 world with separate free and premium areas?