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Boards >> Calmera >> Rashid

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by Pelli Moulante
Pelli Moulante
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 154

Posts: 25
Hi Hector,
I think you should give access to Rashid for everyone, not just the VIP accounts. The price of the VIP is very high and almost no one can afford to pay the high price you are asking. Rashid is an important part of the economy on a server, especially when there is very little population like on Calmera. I think you should consider either reducing the price of the VIP accounts or letting Rashid have free access for everyone

Kind regard Pelli Moulante
19.08.24 15:57:52
Adm Hector
player outfit

Position: administrator
Profession: Paladin
Level: 48

Posts: 206
From the next server save onwards, VIP Account prices will be permanently discounted.
19.08.24 18:01:35
Page: 1

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Would you play in an x1 world with separate free and premium areas?