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Boards >> Tenebra >> ALL NEW PLAYERS

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by Grim Master
Grim Master
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 129

Posts: 12
Welcome all new players on Tenebra !!! all who need any help or items for start just msg Grim Master . i will try help all of you with questions , items and qests !!!
18.10.24 14:13:40
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Sorcerer
Level: 28

Posts: 1
Hello grim Master... im starting here but its a little empty... I mean, the online users are bots or real players? o.o

My name is Melkor in game.

20.11.24 11:07:29
Mago Rdito
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 112

Posts: 16
Hello Melkor. In all world admin habe some bots for pretend there are more players. I played on 2 world and Calmera have more active players. I think Tenebra its empty.
23.11.24 12:57:13
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 33

Posts: 1
Can someone explain me, why dozens of ppl standing like zombies in the darashian dp (prob somewhere else the same)?
19.12.24 07:39:17
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Elder Druid
Level: 84

Posts: 16
Originally posted by Derana on 19.12.24 07:39:17:
Can someone explain me, why dozens of ppl standing like zombies in the darashian dp (prob somewhere else the same)?

Are bots from admin.So it seems that there are more people online on the servers. few people play
19.12.24 09:58:24
Page: 1

Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Players Online
Would you play in an x1 world with separate free and premium areas?