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Boards >> Bug Report >> Ice Witch dropped Ice tile

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Ice Witch dropped Ice tile
by Bezok
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Position: player
Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 114

Posts: 11
Ice Witch dropped Ice tile
I just "looted" ice (ice tile - ground) from Ice Witch.
06.12.24 04:26:27
Adm Hector
player outfit

Position: administrator
Profession: Paladin
Level: 48

Posts: 194
Originally posted by Bezok on 06.12.24 04:26:27:
I just "looted" ice (ice tile - ground) from Ice Witch.

thanks for letting me know, I'll check it out now.
06.12.24 04:56:45
Edited by Adm Hector
on 06.12.24 04:56:53
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 91

Posts: 4
To add to this,
Ice Golems seem to be able to drop "sand" and "gravel" tiles.

unrelated, but I didn't want to wait for a new post (You can post one time per 7200 seconds. Next post after 6915 second(s).)

NPC Partos, located in south of Thais, inside the Jail -1

He is locked in his cell and does not move. Too far away to hear your greetings, making me unable to complete the rest of green djinn quest.
01.02.25 10:19:32
Edited by Luna
on 01.02.25 10:26:50
Adm Hector
player outfit

Position: administrator
Profession: Paladin
Level: 48

Posts: 194

I'll check.

Thank you.
01.02.25 10:43:31
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