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Boards >> Calmera >> Wyvern Fang

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Wyvern Fang
by Glenoumeral
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 51

Posts: 4
Wyvern Fang
Is the Wyvern Fang a possible drop from Wyverns? I already dropped 5 WoI and 0 Wyvern Fangs, and I think it's easier to drop the Fang
14.12.24 07:49:55
Edited by Glenoumeral
on 14.12.24 07:53:13
Mago Rdito
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 112

Posts: 16
Originally posted by Glenoumeral on 14.12.24 07:49:55:
Is the Wyvern Fang a possible drop from Wyverns? I already dropped 5 WoI and 0 Wyvern Fangs, and I think it's easier to drop the Fang

Yes but its very rare loot from wyverns.. I looted 1 on Tenebra doing task 3 times..
14.12.24 13:54:30
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