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Boards >> Bug Report >> exori hur/mas deals no damage

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exori hur/mas deals no damage
by Climhazzard
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Position: player
Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 77

Posts: 6
exori hur/mas deals no damage
the knight spells 'exori hur' and 'exori mas' deal little to no damage

thats pretty much it

thank you :p
14.01.25 15:16:11
Adm Hector
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Position: administrator
Profession: Paladin
Level: 48

Posts: 206

Yes, both spells are aligned with version 8.0, in this version, only the exori and exori gran received greater damage as the weapon was considered for attack strength.
14.01.25 15:43:23
Edited by Adm Hector
on 14.01.25 15:44:09
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 32

Posts: 1
Hi, thank you for info Hector, that explains why i do 1-2 dmg with exori hur. Knights simply did not do any damage with those spells back then. I did not know that, i thought they did some damage like 20-40. Tanks for clearing that up!
16.01.25 03:07:43
Adm Hector
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Position: administrator
Profession: Paladin
Level: 48

Posts: 206

In fact, until that time, when the changes began, the damage of the spells were all based on level, maglevel and skills. Well in this version the changes began and the exori and exori gran took more consideration of the strength of the weapon in dedrimento of others.
16.01.25 05:33:33
Edited by Adm Hector
on 16.01.25 05:33:48
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 77

Posts: 6

thanks for your response however i am pretty sure these spells never worked like this, both from my own memory from back then, and also through old tibia videos of knights hunting in 8.0

its fine if this is intended for your server, but we cant say this is authentic to the real 8.0 experience

thank you :)
27.01.25 11:28:47
Adm Hector
player outfit

Position: administrator
Profession: Paladin
Level: 48

Posts: 206
Starting with the next server save, the spells of knight "exori hur" and "exori mas" will receive some modifications, in response to requests from some players and an investigation carried out by the Tibia Retro team.

In addition, we remind players that We have tutor positions open in all game worlds, just send us an email at [email protected] informing us about your experience in Tibia Retro and which world you want to be a tutor for. We will analyze, among other things, how long your account has existed and if you are in fact always online.
27.01.25 14:39:25
Edited by Adm Hector
on 27.01.25 14:40:43
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