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Boards >> Calmera >> Is it possible to do a double loot weekend?

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Is it possible to do a double loot weekend?
by Bronze Skan
Bronze Skan
player outfit

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Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 97

Posts: 4
Is it possible to do a double loot weekend?
Hello, Hector! I would like to know if it's possible to do a double loot event on a weekend. It would be amazing! And I think a lot of players would appreciate it. But if isn't, it's ok!

19.01.25 15:27:25
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 77

Posts: 6
would be nice for farming addon items :D
19.01.25 17:56:00
Adm Hector
player outfit

Position: administrator
Profession: Paladin
Level: 48

Posts: 206
20.01.25 05:53:37
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