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Boards >> Gallery >> Demon Loot

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Demon Loot
by Ewolyn
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 113

Posts: 4
Demon Loot

Solo Demon and Hero hunt in Edron xD
27.01.25 06:52:06
Edited by Ewolyn
on 27.01.25 08:35:38
Adm Hector
player outfit

Position: administrator
Profession: Paladin
Level: 48

Posts: 206
27.01.25 09:06:38
Silver Skan
player outfit

Position: tutor
Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 142

Posts: 21
OOOH, nice double!
30.01.25 10:25:31
Adm Hector
player outfit

Position: administrator
Profession: Paladin
Level: 48

Posts: 206
If it continues like this, inflation will rise a lot and I will need to lower the loot to contain it.
:D :D
30.01.25 16:33:17
Edited by Adm Hector
on 30.01.25 16:34:28
Page: 1

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