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Boards >> News >> Special Promotion of 15% on All Forms of Donations!

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Special Promotion of 15% on All Forms of Donations!
by Adm Hector
Adm Hector
player outfit

Position: administrator
Profession: Paladin
Level: 48

Posts: 206
Special Promotion of 15% on All Forms of Donations!

ear players,

We are excited to announce a special promotion! Starting today, we are offering 15% more Points on all forms of donations. This is the perfect opportunity to obtain more benefits and contribute to the growth of our server.

Promotion Details:

  • Discount: 15% more on all points.
  • Period: promotion valid only now in the month of July.
  • Forms of Donation: all forms of donation available in our online store.
  • How to receive: simply make a donation and we will then add 15% more Points to your account.

Don't miss this unique chance to enjoy our top-rated services and support the server you love. We greatly appreciate your continued support and dedication to our community.

Happy adventures and see you in the game!


Yours sincerely,

Tibia Retro.

17.07.24 07:36:06
Edited by moderator
on 17.07.24 07:38:40
Nick Carter
player outfit

Position: player
Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 79

Posts: 5
Vip account is too expensive
Hello, i was checking to make VIP account but i see that the price is around 30 euros per month.
I think it's too expensive, even the usual price on all servers (original tibia included) is 8-10 euros per month.

Please we would appreciate you fix the prices correctly.
27.07.24 05:47:23
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Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Players Online
Would you play in an x1 world with separate free and premium areas?